Christ Central Ministries is committed both to being God’s response to struggling, discouraged individuals and communities, and to training others to do the same in their neighborhoods, hometowns, and cities across this state and nation. We are also called to serve and partner with local churches to provide support and assistance in reaching “the least of these” in the name of Christ.
To accomplish these goals, Christ Central Institute (CCI), our Missionary Training Center, is now offering five levels of Community Chaplaincy Certificate Training to those who have caught the urgency as well as the unique possibilities of this ministry.
At CCI, we study local missions and chaplaincy issues to address the ever-shifting needs and challenges faced by society’s overwhelmed and, often, overlooked community members. This research helps us to create strategies we can then pass on to people such as yourself who have been called to bring the Gospel of hope and change to this generation.
Your role as a Community Chaplain is your response to God’s call on your life, and it is a high calling: to bring hope and help to those without the ability to help themselves. You fulfill His will as you serve and bring a godly response to the hurting and hopeless in your neighborhood. We’re excited and grateful to be on the same team as we serve His purposes together
Levels of Community Missions Chaplaincy
1. Apprentice Level:
Completion of 3 Training Sessions in “Introduction to Community Missions Chaplaincy”
2. Associate Level:
Completion of 3 Training Sessions in "Mental Health Emergency Response" - Certificate Course
3. Advocate Level:
Completion of 3 Training Sessions In Advanced Chaplaincy
4. Administrative Level:
Completion of 3 Training Sessions For Creation, Leadership, and Managing of Community Chaplains Teams, Addressing Special Events or Disasters and All Phases of Chaplaincy Services
5. Senior Chaplain:
Completion of 3 Training Sessions In Methods and Means For Teaching and Training in Community Missions Chaplaincy

To the Team,
What a joy it is to be included today in the Body of Christ in the most diverse generation ever! One of the highest honors for each of us is to be invited into what God is doing at this time in history and to see His hand at
work – His Story unfolding. It is both amazing and humbling to understand that before the foundation of the earth, we were crafted, created, and knit together to be His response for this generation. You and I have been custom-made for this day. Let us faithfully study and work to become the response He intended.
Thanks for Your Commitment,
Pastor Jimmy Jones
President Christ Central Institute
CEO Christ Central Ministries

To the Team,
What a joy it is to be included today in the Body of Christ in the most diverse generation ever! One of the highest honors for each of us is to be invited into what God is doing at this time in history and to see His hand at
work – His Story unfolding. It is both amazing and humbling to understand that before the foundation of the earth, we were crafted, created, and knit together to be His response for this generation. You and I have been custom-made for this day. Let us faithfully study and work to become the response He intended.
Thanks for Your Commitment,
Pastor Jimmy Jones
President Christ Central Institute
CEO Christ Central Ministries