Our Programs
CMCP - Community Missions Chaplaincy Program
Christ Central Institute offers both introductory and advanced levels of training for those desiring to become Community Missions Chaplains. This program helps build a strong understanding of chaplaincy in specialized areas as well as those of poverty-related challenges facing government, business, education, the local churches, and individuals in need.
CDCM - One Year Certificate in Domestic Christian Missions
This one-year program includes two semesters of classroom instruction, participation in ongoing community outreach projects, and a summer term community internship. Students conduct research to identify areas of need and then work together to develop and implement Godly responses. Special friendships are often forged in the process among students, faculty, and the community members they serve. Residential students also contribute 15-20 hours weekly in campus chores and/or community outreach work.
ADCM - Associates Degree in Domestic Christian Missions
This two-year program begins with the CDCM and gives students additional time to specialize and learn more about serving one of our five priority areas of community service, government, education, business, church and individuals in need, or particular demographic such as children, teens, elderly, minorities, or those in severe poverty.
SIP - Summer Intermission Program
Our internships offer on-the-job learning and usually come at the end of the CDCM and ADCM programs. They focus on researching the needs of an individual community followed by design and implementation of a practical, Godly response. Results are measured and documented.
CCCO - Christ Central Ministries Certificate of Ordination
Christ Central Ministries Ordination is available to students who are going into full-time mission ministry.