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Year Two: Associate Degree In Community Chaplaincy/ Missions

Completion Requirements:


  • Minimum 12 courses in Missions (MIS); may include certain Chaplaincy (CHAP) courses 

  • Minimum 8 courses in Bible-Theology (BTH)  

  • Minimum 4 courses in Character Formation (CHF)

  • Inclusion of any required courses 

  • Successful completion of 1 Summer Intermission or other approved internship

Community Missions, Part 3 (MIS)

This course will help students understand how mission stations are created and managed. Guest speakers will be current active mission directors. Students will also explore ways to research and create their own community mission project. (3 cr.)

Missions Administration (MIS)

This course teaches the unique features of a nonprofit organization or ministry. Students learn how to manage effectively, create a board of advisors, assemble volunteers, and develop personnel policy. Marketing, financial accountability, sustainability, leadership and planning are also addressed. (3 cr.)  

Faith-Based Approach to Substance Use Disorder (MIS)

This course delivers a modern-day understanding of the mental, physical, and spiritual effects of substance use disorder and outlines pathway options and opportunities for recovery. (3 cr.)

Acts - The Missionary CHurch Comes Alive (BTH)

This course delves into the missionary mindset of the early church including the challenges it faced, the powerful personalities of Peter and Paul, and the process of learning to work together in community. (3 cr.)

Introduction to Apologetics (BTH)

Based on book “Beyond Opinion,” by Ravi Zacharias, this course will introduce students to defending the faith they live. It will address the very difficult questions presented to Christians in today’s pluralistic society. (3 cr.)

The Cost of Discipleship (CHF)

Students will study outstanding Christian leaders and missionaries such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Mother Theresa, and others who lived out for us the true cost of living a life of service to the Lord. (2 cr.)

Community Missions, Part 2 (MIS)

A continuation of Part 1, this course delves into effectively serving the community needs of the local church and individuals who are struggling with difficult circumstances and loss of hope. Students learn how church history plays a role in how local churches relate to each other and their response to community needs. This course also covers “Dealing with Difficult People.”(3 cr.)

Community Missions, Part 4 (MIS)

The focus of this senior seminar course will be exploring opportunities for service and resources in South Carolina. This will be the Senior Class Project. (3 cr.)

Children at Risk (MIS)

This class will look at children at risk in a variety of situations including sex-trafficking, school, abuse and neglect. (3 cr.)

Cultural Sensitivity (MIS)

This class will focus on understanding, respecting and relating to other cultures and belief systems. (3 cr.)

Biblical Model for Leadership (BTH)

The class will focus on the biblical concept of servant leadership but will include managing people and related topics. (3 cr.)

Christian Ethics (BTH)

This class will focus on “(1) A values system based upon the Christian Scriptures, (2) principles of behavior in that align with scripture, (3) standards of thought and behavior as taught by Jesus.” (3 cr.)

Experiencing God (CHF)

This video class will focus on personal growth using the book by the same title. (2 cr.)

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