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Youth Chaplaincy

Community Youth Chaplaincy – What is it? Imagine yourself as a youth pastor, Sunday School teacher, or just someone who has a heart for young people and is willing to reach out to an entire community of youth. This could mean helping in an after-school mentoring program, praying over the football team before a game, and/or hanging out with some young people playing basketball in the park. It could involve taking teens on a wilderness retreat or on a community service project. It might mean  spending time with a lonely young person who thinks no one cares. In this unique role, a youth chaplain becomes a nonthreatening first responder for teens who may be in crisis or just trying to navigate life – a friendly, caring, nonjudgmental adult who is just a visit, a text, or phone call away.


At CCI, we believe we have been called to train up spiritual warriors to stand in the gap and to fight for this next generation. To do so effectively, we have designed an introductory and abbreviated Youth Chaplaincy Program. Over the course of two weekends, students are introduced to youth chaplaincy as  “first responders” to young people in physical, emotional, or spiritual need.  You will receive biblical, missional, and relational training for working in youth ministry, while addressing both urban and rural challenges and at-risk teens.  We will also encourage you in your own spiritual growth, and we will walk beside you in your journey.


While not a requirement, our Community Youth Chaplaincy Program is a great precursor to more extensive study through CCI’s one-year certificate and two-year associate degree in Youth Ministry.    


Do you have a burden for your generation? Our Community Youth Chaplaincy Program can prepare and equip you to serve in this unique calling. Contact us for more information at 803-564-5902 or use the contact button below.


CCI Youth Retreats: These overnight camping events are held at Mission Lake for youth ages 16-18. Designed to focus on Christian character and leadership, campers participate in wilderness activities, enjoy fun fellowship, and are challenged by mini-teaching sessions. Tents,  cots, and food are provided. Cost is $30 per camper. Our goal is to help equip you not to  just survive high school, but to be both an encouraging light and a positive role model to those around you. Contact us for more information at 803-564-5902 or click the contact button below.

© 2017 by Christ Central Ministries. 

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